Thank you for obliging me! I can see that it is starting to pay off with all the inconsistencies in your answers :)OK, got it. Apologies, I was trying to group things so the replies wouldn’t get too lengthy, but indeed better for this purpose.
Well spotted! Now look closerNo, that’s not the thought that is tricky.. those are clearly recognised as thoughts and old beliefs, but those are not the subtle ones… What keeps me locked in is that I keep thinking things like: when you ask me to look, if there wasn’t awareness, this conversation would not even exist. And it is clearly registered or known somehow. I can’t explain that in any other way than that there has to be an aware quality to the experience. Otherwise it might aswell be two computers talking to eachother. Again, im not saying there is a separate entity called awareness that is registering everything… but that awareness is the fabric of experience (to again quote from thought).
What is noticing made of? Awareness? Or thought? What is discerning what is happening? What is doing the inquiry? What is observing the results? What is reporting the answers? What are thoughts talking to? Does it speak English?
Are there many knowing-s (mine, yours, others’), my thoughts and your thoughts? What makes the idea of “two computers talking to each other” less plausible? Is there awareness of thought or just thought? Is there knowing and thought or just how thought is experienced (as knowing things in English, no matter how subtle the knowing, even the word "knowing")
Stay with this! Be an explorer because it boils down to this… What is seeing that it is seen from a point of view?What is seeing that it is seen from a point of view?This is probably thought.
Now to the inconsistencies…
If it is the “ultimate subject” then there should be a time when there is nothing else but IT, right? Again, have you ever experienced pure knowing of just knowing and nothing else (no sensations whatsoever (like “being alive”), no existence? What is the experience of not existing? Is there such and if there isn’t how is it known then there is? You could say knowing is existence but this makes "existence"/"knowing" into a thing in opposition no thing. That is the problem with concepts. We can argue until we are blue in the face...Like that story of blind men describing an elephant while touching different parts of it. Can you see that all of these are just concepts not worth fighting for because they can't be any further from reality...? You can decribe THIS in so may ways (all inacurate). The interesting part here is the clinginess to reality being in a certain way, because if it's not then ...It is a quality of the all that is. And all that is is the ultimate subject.
If it is a known/experienceable quality – that of “being aware” – then the opposite must also ne known (“not being aware) – yin and yang. That is how concepts/qualities exist. That is what makes them qualities, right? Def: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; a distinctive attribute or characteristic possessed by someone or something.Yes I totally agree that this is thought. But this is also not what I am referring to when I mention the aware part. It is not that I am pointing to a separate awareness.. But a quality of all there is, as having an aware quality to it, integrated with the whole. Not apart from it.
When have you experienced “not being aware”, to know that this, right now, is what “being aware” is? How is it known that you have been “unaware”? What makes ‘being aware” different from an abstraction?
How is the “knowing” then experienced if this is all there IS (labelled as feeling, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and thinking)? If all there is experience, it should be observable (seen, felt, smelled, tasted, and/or heard). Then if it is “built” of any of these things, then it IS these “things”. To claim, that is more than that - a filter, a lens making them into things/knowing them, is what is left – thought. Knowing is AM-ness, THIS is IS-ness, do you see the difference? I am THIS (subjective) vs just THIS. As a consequence, existence is not a prerequisite to have THIS, THIS just IS, beyound existence and non existence.Is there anything else but what IS (labelled as feeling, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and thinking)No, this is very clear.
Let’s address the fears
How is this known exactly, or is it assumed/presumed (aka thought)? Thinking in opposites…What will happen if there is no awareness?Nothing will happen, literally. There will be no experience, no existence.
Exactly!! Thoughts “want” answers, neat understanding of reality - all boxes are checked and it makes sense. Can reality be understood? Ever? Also, what is outside/separate from reality, trying to understand reality?What are the sensations that appear when I say there is no awareness?Thoughts come up, Confusion.
How is confusion experienced? That sounds more like a title of book than an explanation. What are thoughts about? Also, what makes this confusion yours to resolve?
Fear as an emotion (thought + sensation) serves to protect something of changing or of dying. In the light of a personal self, it makes perfect sense. The self needs to be protected from harm and death. So look, if there is no self, what is being protected here? LOOK is this protection needed at all? Or is it just an identification with an emotion - a thought that claims that it feels something?Yes, I mentioned that before indeed, it is probably the fear of non existence.
You can explore fear and other strong emotions (like confusion) in two ways
1. Look for the entity that is fearful/confused. Don't just say "there is no one/no experiencer, just thought". Have a look! Look again and again, until there is certainty beyond any doubt. So in a way hard emotions become an invitation for looking. Is there truly a ‘me’ in any form? If so, how is it known? Is this what experiences? Look for the owner of the feelings and the body.
2. Welcome and allow all the emotions – make them bigger. Let them come and listen to the stories that come from them. This is very simple but extremely effective.
Whenever a strong emotion arrives, try and deconstruct it down to bodily sensations. See that certain sensations tend to be labelled in certain ways, e.g. the thought label “fear” may be habitually applied to a knot-like sensation in the stomach area. “Anxiety” may be the thought label for trembling hands and nausea, etc. This varies for different people, so it helps to be aware of what it is for you. Can you give an example of this for fear?
Divested of the story that is attached to that sensation labelled ‘fear’ (for example), what is the sensation itself? Explore the sensation. Notice it, observe what it does. It’s like the sensation is continually changing / pulsating. It moves around, it becomes more intense, it becomes less intense; always changing its shape. Go deeply into that sensation (i.e. the vibration)
If you had to describe this sensation, how would you describe it? Is it describable?
It’s morphing, it’s changing, it’s vibrating, but the vibrating is itself a sensation.
Is it really fearful? Is the actual sensation itself fearful, or is "fear" added by thought? Is the thought "fear" fearful? Just leave your thoughts in the background, turn the volume down and refer directly to the sensation.
If you don’t think about it, do you know that this sensation is something called ‘fear’? Is there any inherent fear in the sensation itself?
Go to the sensation “at the soles of the feet”. Would you label that sensation ‘fear’? Or is it just a neutral, undefined tingling sensation? Now compare the sensation of the soles of the feet – which is just neutral sensation – and the sensation “in your chest” (labelled ‘fear’)…what is the difference between them? A little bit more intense, but apart from that – any difference?
Once you’re down to the bare sensation – having taken the thought label off it, the story can hardly go unnoticed. A knot in the stomach is a knot in the stomach, and nothing more (even that is a label) – not fear, and not a story about something that brings fear. Fear is not inherently existing, it is just a sticky note (an illusion) over a sensation.
The question is: Can you be in a body where there is fear (confusion, loneliness, etc)? Can you stay just with the sensations, allowing it to be seen that they are ok? Just stay there! "Fear" cannot be resolved (with thinking) it can only be dissolved by seeing that there is no inherent fear but just an "icky" sensation that have had a sticky note applied to it, and futher stories why it is there...
Again, I’m not speaking to knowing/awareness here - it’s just language (an instruction for DE). A "virus" thought that it is labelled "Rali's thought" (even though the "eyes are on you" reading this), bringing "your" thoughts to DE. It is an actionless action, effortless effort :). “Noticing”, “allowing”, “letting” are all words pointing to DE.
It might look like a lot, but basically you are looking from too sides of the belief – the actual inconsistencies In content (thoughts self-organising) and the resistance (confirmation bias to insights) fuelled by "fear". You can answer in parts if you prefer or work with all and then answering. Please let me know