There’s certainly something protective happening…Notice the thoughts like mom protect feelings in the body - guilt and shame
the body just is.notice does the body is identifying with you?
There’s certainly something protective happening…Notice the thoughts like mom protect feelings in the body - guilt and shame
the body just is.notice does the body is identifying with you?
What is the story? Why there should be something wrong wich should be covered?There’s certainly something protective happening…
What is to find that there is "I am the body" but you see that body is not you?notice does the body is identifying with you?.the body just is
Nothing wrong there. There’s protection of something that isn’t there. It’s a story of the past. A thought. A thought does not need protection.What is the story? Why there should be something wrong wich should be covered?
Awareness.What is to find that there is "I am the body" but you see that body is not you?
Yes. Notice right now the feelings/emotions - fear, shame...They are absolutely valid and there is freedom with them?Nothing wrong there.
I mean notice that you don't know what you are?What is to find that there is "I am the body" but you see that body is not you?Awareness.
There’s freedom with knowing that they are not me and I don’t need to act on them.They are absolutely valid and there is freedom with them?
I’m not sure I understand the question right. I know I’m not the body and not the name/persona. and no, the mind can’t seem to grasp what i am. there’s this sense of presence that goes beyond the body. it’s always there.I mean notice that you don't know what you are?
This is awesome!!!the mind can’t seem to grasp what i am
Now without knowing, please LOOK -I know I’m not the body and not the name/persona.
Yes, you found that you are here!there’s this sense of presence that goes beyond the body. it’s always there.
When I look, there's nothing in direct experience I can't find apersona. Feelings in the body or not, emotions, the floor under my feet, cars outside. Thoughts. i can watch the thoughts for a while. Sometimes thoughts come up that try to describe how or who this "Claudia" is. Maybe how she is conditioned. But they are thoughts not the true self.Are you persona? is there persona in any shape or form?
I can't find "myself" in my experience, yet there's the presence and it's always here. it seems to be in everything.Are you here (whatever you are)?
What can put a mask "I am persona Claudia?yet there's the presence and it's always here
In my experience, the mask is put on by the ego or small self. Maybe through habit or conditioning?What can put a mask "I am persona Claudia?
Persona knows presence?
it's the thoughts/mind messing about.or presence/you/god/nobody, play small by habit? Is there someone else then you?
Yes, this is evidence that there is a conflict in the heart,it's the thoughts/mind messing about.
Yes, thoughts appear from the eternal heart.In my experience it’s clear that “behind” thoughts is emptiness.
Yes, this is your name/the name of Godthey come from nobody
Yes. Thoughts are coming from nothingness and disappear.they disappear
Yes, I do notice that. Even sound. Even a cup I'm looking at. Lines dissolve. it's thoughts that create separation even though they can appear in all that, too.Stay focus toward emptiness, notice that everythig appear from there?
Yes, sound is for the Nobody.When I listen, I can see that there's nobody listening
it's like an experience that is slowly but steadily getting stronger. very freeing. sometimes confusing.What is to find that you are not persona but the Supreme /Nobody?
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