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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Mon Jan 20, 2025 6:05 pm

There is a Direct Looking process for fear.
Write how these are working for you.
Dear Stacy,
Thank you for all the help you have sent me.
The videos worked very well. I had to do everyone twice, as at first I could not welcome my fear and all what it brings me.
Even though this lie of my life is reality for me (in my thoughts and feelings), I am now grateful that I can see it so clearly.
Unfortunately, my fear of people has not changed. On the contrary, it is very evident now. And makes me really sad. I don’t want to be that special.
Future thoughts: One day, when this fear has disappeared and the realization is there that nothing needs to be protected anymore, then I will know it. Know, that there is no self anymore needing to be protected.
Here is how to distinguish truth from lies.
What is found?
I would like to continue with your pointers, which I have done in the meantime, because naming my daily activities or experiences has always brought me back to reality.

How do I recognize a lie? My solar plexus becomes very tight and my heartbeat increases. I feel unsafe and not grounded. My head is heavy.
With love,

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:54 pm


Well, that is progress. Keep watching the video and think about your fear of people. Report if anything shifts.

You can also try this. Then there is a second part, but this one first.

Label-Reality Correlation

There is a belief that labels have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’. But there isn’t. Just like it is a generally accepted belief that labels like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are inherent characteristics of ‘things’. But actually, they are not.

When you look at the word label ‘GREEN' , what is the actual experience?

Is the color red ‘experienced’, or is the color green ‘experienced’ as the label suggests?

Does the label ‘GREEN’ have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’? Or does the label suggest something else other than what is here now (red colour)?

Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?

If the label ‘GREEN’ is replaced with the label ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’ , is the redness affected in any way as the labels suggests?

Does redness become ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or do the labels have no affect whatsoever on ‘reality’?

Let me know what is SEEN.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:07 pm

Label-Reality Correlation
When you look at the word label ‘GREEN' , what is the actual experience?
Dear Stacy,
this sounds at first confusing for me. I hope, I understood it correctly.

The word label GREEN is just a word and my experience is, I look at the word.5 Letters. The thought of COLOUR comes up.
Is the color red ‘experienced’, or is the color green ‘experienced’ as the label suggests?
The colour green is experienced.
Does the label ‘GREEN’ have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’? Or does the label suggest something else other than what is here now (red colour)?
What is reality here? There is no colour, it is actually only the label. In my mind a thought of green pops up.
Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?
Green is related to red in a way that it belongs to the concept of color.
If the label ‘GREEN’ is replaced with the label ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’ , is the redness affected in any way as the labels suggests?
Does redness become ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or do the labels have no affect whatsoever on ‘reality’?
The label has no effect on Reality.

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Tue Jan 21, 2025 11:08 pm

Yes. You are confused.
When you look at the word label ‘GREEN' , what is the actual experience?
The Actual Experience is what you really see. There is no green there at all. Right? This is how we are fooled into believing a "self." We believe a word and not the fact that nothing can be found.

If you are seeing green, maybe you are color blind? Or hallucinating?

How can you experience color "green," when the word is RED?

There IS color. It is RED

Then you answer correctly on all of these:
Does the label ‘GREEN’ have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’? Or does the label suggest something else other than what is here now (red colour)?
What is reality here? There is no colour, it is actually only the label. In my mind a thought of green pops up.
Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?
Green is related to red in a way that it belongs to the concept of color.
If the label ‘GREEN’ is replaced with the label ‘GOOD’ or ‘BAD’ , is the redness affected in any way as the labels suggests?
Does redness become ‘good’ or ‘bad’, or do the labels have no affect whatsoever on ‘reality’?
The label has no effect on Reality.
Please take a look again at the first ones.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:43 pm

Dear Stacy,
I am glad I had some right answers. Unfortunately I don't have an answer to the first question other than what I've already done.
I did not say, that I see green. I said: The word label GREEN is just a word and my experience is, I look at the word.5 Letters. The thought of COLOUR comes up. - Is this wrong?
I did not see green. Because of that I do not understand this sentence.
The Actual Experience is what you really see. There is no green there at all. Right? This is how we are fooled into believing a "self." We believe a word and not the fact that nothing can be found.
If my answer is wrong, does it mean, when seeing the word label GREEN, I should expect to see the actual colour green when reading the word?
What would be the right answer to the first question?
If you are seeing green, maybe you are color blind? Or hallucinating?
Why should I be colourblind in seeing green or hallucinating? It is a colour.
How can you experience color "green," when the word is RED?
I cannot. Only perhaps when the word RED is written in green color.
There IS color. It is RED
This is a statement.

thank you for all this,

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:40 pm


Ignoring the label what do your eyes see?

One word answer: Red.

Can you see that?

Non of that *thinking* about green is relevant or necessary.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:43 pm


Ignoring the label what do your eyes see? That's DE Direct Experience.

One word answer: Red.

Don't get philosophical about this. Just LOOK.

Can you see that?

None of that *thinking* about green is relevant or necessary.

Please answer these again.

When you look at the word label ‘GREEN' , what is the actual experience?

Is the color red ‘experienced’, or is the color green ‘experienced’ as the label suggests?

Does the label ‘GREEN’ have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’? Or does the label suggest something else other than what is here now (red colour)?

Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:43 pm

Thank you Stacy for your patience.
When you look at the word label ‘GREEN' , what is the actual experience?
I simply see Red. (My previous misunderstanding resulted from me simply interpreting the red color of the word green as a highlighting perceived as a label) So SELF is just a word and nothing behind?!
Is the color red ‘experienced’, or is the color green ‘experienced’ as the label suggests?
The color RED is seen, but same time green pops up.
Does the label ‘GREEN’ have a one-to-one correspondence with ‘reality’? Or does the label suggest something else other than what is here now (red colour)?
No. Reality is just the red colour, But the label suggest the color green.
Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?
Green is related to red in a way that it belongs to the concept of color. Red is experienced.

with love,

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Thu Jan 23, 2025 9:29 pm

Okay, not bad!
So SELF is just a word and nothing behind?!
Is 'green' associated in any way with the experience of the colour red; or is green just a label that overlays the actual experience of red?
Green is related to red in a way that it belongs to the concept of color. Red is experienced.
Well, you were given 2 choices and you replied with something different. The choices were a clue. :) Green is just a label that overlays the actual experience of red. I think you are seeing that. If not, let me know.

Okay, now, this may be a little harder, but it is almost the same:


Bring up a thought about a character labeled "friend."

Then bring up a thought about a character labeled "stranger."

Compare these thoughts.

Is there a difference in these thoughts?

Is there a true difference or is it just different content?

Now, bring up a thought about a character labeled "friend."

After that, look at a thought about the character labelled "me.”

Is there a difference?

Is there anything special about thoughts with the content "me-character?"

Let me know what is found.

Labeling the day, the Sensations, etc. does nothing to reduce their beauty or joy, but can hide them from our awareness.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:19 pm

Dear Stacy,


Bring up a thought about a character labeled "friend."
I just see a character not a friend.
Then bring up a thought about a character labeled "stranger."
Same thing.
Compare these thoughts.

Is there a difference in these thoughts?
Is there a true difference or is it just different content?
No difference
Now, bring up a thought about a character labeled "friend."
just a label
After that, look at a thought about the character labelled "me.”
Is there a difference?
Is there anything special about thoughts with the content "me-character?"
Let me know what is found.
Since this was way too easy for me, I'm afraid it's wrong.

anyway, I look forward to your answers - I am learning!!!

with love,

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:26 pm

Hi Ilse,

You've got it.


Please LOOK for any place where your butt ends & the chair begins.

Is there any clear dividing line between them? Or only the Sensation with no clear division?

It is simple direct & nonverbal. Just LOOK.

Then write what is true.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:24 pm

Dear Stacy,
thank you!!
Please LOOK for any place where your butt ends & the chair begins.
Is there any clear dividing line between them? Or only the Sensation with no clear division?
True for me is, that there is a clear dividing line between the butt and the chair.

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Sun Jan 26, 2025 1:20 am


Can you point to this line or does it exist only in your thoughts?

What would it be like if there were only one Sensation?

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Penelope » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:31 pm

Dear Stacy,
Can you point to this line or does it exist only in your thoughts?
Since I'm slim and still very flexible, I can see this line and point to it. Just not in the back. And I'm a painter and would know how to draw it. That exact line.
What would it be like if there were only one Sensation?
So I feel for the one sensation but there are several. The right sit bone hurts and the left only presses, and the soft fabric of the trousers is felt and the hardness of the chair.
This is how I sit.
I wonder what a different outcome it might actually be.

Warm greetings from cold Berlin

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Re: Wirklichkeit

Postby Anastacia42 » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:55 pm

Sorry about the pain.

There's only 1 Sensation. LOOKING at this carefully would have helped you see there's no division & no separate "self."

I did only that one pointer for 3 months.

You are relying mostly on thinking. Ignore thoughts & beliefs. Just look. Thoughts are made up stories. They are not "real."

What is "real" does not go away when you stop thinking about it. Then table will still be there. The "self" will not.

See if you can notice that there is only experiencing with no experiencer - no one having an experience.

~ Stacy

"Thought is a garbage can. If you look into the garbage can, all you will get is garbage."

~ Adyashanti

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