Dear Stacy,There is a Direct Looking process for fear.
Write how these are working for you.
Thank you for all the help you have sent me.
The videos worked very well. I had to do everyone twice, as at first I could not welcome my fear and all what it brings me.
Even though this lie of my life is reality for me (in my thoughts and feelings), I am now grateful that I can see it so clearly.
Unfortunately, my fear of people has not changed. On the contrary, it is very evident now. And makes me really sad. I don’t want to be that special.
Future thoughts: One day, when this fear has disappeared and the realization is there that nothing needs to be protected anymore, then I will know it. Know, that there is no self anymore needing to be protected.
I would like to continue with your pointers, which I have done in the meantime, because naming my daily activities or experiences has always brought me back to reality.Here is how to distinguish truth from lies.
What is found?
How do I recognize a lie? My solar plexus becomes very tight and my heartbeat increases. I feel unsafe and not grounded. My head is heavy.
With love,