
  • Interview with Jadzia

    "Allow everything, each and every thought, feeling, emotion, sensation. All has a right to be there, all and everything wants to be seen, lovingly seen and embraced."
  • Interview with Nour

    "I wish that all “human beings” see that there is no entity living separate of the Life. This will put an end to conflicts between thoughts, “persons” and nations."
  • Interview with Vivien Novak

    "This was a fleeting realization, but it left a deep recognition that there is a different way to live than constantly being immersed in the artificial thinking-world."
  • Interview with Bill

    "The simplicity of it was seen… no me. No self. Just life – as it is."
  • LU interview with guide John

    “The biggest change has been how being ever more conscious has led to an ever greater participation with life, of life - a complete revelation and joy.”
  • LU interview with guide Adil

    “​​​​​​​A teacher teaches concepts. A guide points. Guiding on LU as I see, is pointing for uninstalling concepts and beliefs blocking the way of clear seeing. We ask questions instead of giving answers in LU, so it makes one LOOK instead of learning anything new.”
  • LU interview with guide Kay

    The story behind Kay, where she lives, what she does, her path before LU, advice before and after realization, common expectations and misconceptions when guiding, and much more.
  • Video interview with LU guide Jon

    This conversation meets you with Jon, a guide in Liberation Unleashed. What is the story behind the name Jon? Where does he live, what does he do, what music does he listen to, does he have a hobby? How did the search begin, what was wrong? What is it that happens in all these thousands of conversations in Liberation Unleashed? Why a guide and not a teacher? And much…
  • LU interview with guide Kento

    In this interview with LU guide Kento by Luchana Uzunova we learn about his path before LU, his thoughts on the Liberation Unleashed process, why a guide and not a teacher, advice for those that have completed the LU process, and much more.
  • Dr. Julie interviews Ilona Ciunaite

    Break through the illusion with Ilona Ciunaite. Listen to the audio interview podcast (MP3).
  • Chris Grosso interviews Ilona Ciunaite

    In this episode of The Healing Journey Web Series, Ilona Ciunaite and I discuss an awakening experience she had in 2002 in which she experienced silence of the thinking mind, a sweet sense of being, contentment, peace,” and feeling at home; what Ilona’s spiritual path consisted of for t…
  • Ilona & Will Pye (Video)

    Will Pye talks with Ilona in this insightful discussion from April, 2016.
  • LU interview with guide Hannah (Video)

  • LU interview with guide Moonlight

    Hello everyone, Lisa Kahale here with a lovely interview with Moonlight, a longtime Liberation Unleashed member and contributor. Moonlight is a guide on the LU website Forum for those seeking to pass through the gateless gate and has consistently given her time and effort to our organization. She…
  • LU interview with guide Sacha

    I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sacha from my first discovery of the online awakening communities. His work and dedication at Liberation Unleashed has always made him a steadfast and strong but quiet presence within the circles he visits. I’ve always gotten the sense that if it were at…
  • LU interview with guide Delma

    Hello everyone, I’m Lisa Kahale and I’m here with a chat I recently had with Delma, one of the original members of Liberation Unleashed. Delma went through the “gateless gate” several years ago and is now a committed LU volunteer, helping to guide new members into seeing through the…
  • LU interview with guide Lisa

    Damon: Could you tell me a little about your journey as a seeker, if there was such a journey? Lisa: Hardcore seeking was operating in the background for me all the time. I was not a happy person most of my life. I came out of an abusive childhood with many conditionings and false beliefs th…
  • Interview with Jerry Katz

  • Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

  • Interview with the Wizard, John Troy

    John Troy writes: “Ilona, you were one of the most authentic guests we have had on Conversations with Avant-garde Sages. Fresh, clear, innocence, sentience and immediate without all the mental clutter. Thank you for sharing with our audience. It was our privilege.”

Liberation Unleashed
Liberation Unleashed