Our “Vivid Alertness”

Our “vivid alertness”, is completely unfindable and has no trace of being a personal self. It has no personal qualities about it at all. Here is the problem and the solution for a mind in imagined separation: The subconscious mind is projecting a character made up of the history of the organism’s experiences. Everything thought is part of this projection. Its identical in substance to the self you think you are in a dream at night. Both are 100% projections of the subconscious projector. The key is to get the projector to stop projecting this “self identity”. How do we do this? As the dreamed character, our imagined personal identity, we simply “observe” nakedly without judgment or analysis all that appears in our inner and outer worlds of experience. Just quietly observe, observe, observe. You move from being “on stage” lost in your role, to being in the audience as an observer. That shift changes the dynamic of the entire subjective experience; it has to. The mind has dis-empowered the “self” in the role and has empowered the naked observing. A new type of self identity begins to arise… the observer. Then as one continues to observe, one observes this sense of being an “observer”. By that observation, the “observer” has been dis-empowered and a more naked and non-personal, non-directed observing remains. At this point the subconscious mind, the projector, will cease projecting the self and its stories. Continue the naked observingness for weeks, months, years… Eventually it will be realized the only “observingness” present from the beginning was the naked Observingness. There has only ever been one perceivingness. It then becomes known that experience and the experiencer, observed and the observer are identical and always have been… We continue in our lives but without a “personal self”… completely at one with our world, like young children running free in a meadow of flowers…

Liberation Unleashed
Liberation Unleashed