Beschreibe das?
Nachdem jemand erfolgreich durch den Prozess des Direct Pointing (Direktes Deuten) geführt und die Illusion des Getrenntseins durchblickt wurde, stellen wir den Leuten oft eine einfache Frage: „Wie würdest du dies jemandem beschreiben, der noch nie zuvor davon gehört hat?“.
Die Antworten auf diese einfache Frage sind oftmals selbst kraftvolle Hinweise, denn sie stammen aus einem ganz neuen und intensiven Sehen.
“Wie würdest du dies jemandem beschreiben, der nochnie zuvor davon gehört hat?”
- There are thoughts and there are contents of thoughts…
- Please, stop taking yourself so seriously…
- Wie wäre das Leben ohne die große Last, es kontrollieren und verändern zu wollen...
- The illusion of separate self is thinking you own all of your thoughts, feelings…
- Es ist ein Erkennen des Offensichtlichen.
- Der falsche Glaube ist der Glaube an ein eigenständiges "Ich".
- Das Mysterium des Universums wird gefühlt und wertgeschätzt...
- There is only the ‘idea’, ‘thought’ that you exist…
- Da gibt es etwas, das wahrhaftiger, leichter und authentischer ist...
- Vergiss ALLE Überzeugungen, die Gurus/Meister, Bücher oder Seminare...
- Es gibt kein “Du”, das die Zügel in der Hand hält...
- I honestly don’t know how I could explain the truth…
- Auch wenn es sich seltsam anhört, es ist möglich und sehr befreiend.
- Es gibt dafür wirklich keine Worte...
- Wo ist das Selbst, dessen man sich so sicher ist?
- So you are miserable and want to know why…
- Da gibt es kein “Ich” oder “Mich” außer als ein Etikett...
- Es entsteht so viel Schmerz durch das Identifizieren mit einem getrennten Selbst...
- What is real?
- Have you noticed there seems to be something more here…?
- If you’re interested you can do this.
- You are nothing that can be perceived or experienced.
- It feels like I have woken up within a dream.
- That simple!
- …we can see that we were wrong all along.
- There really is no “liberation” as such.
- Hey buddy, wanna ”unbite the apple” and reclaim paradise?
- The root of suffering…
- You are literally imagining yourself.
- …and then they have to look for themselves.
- You and your experience are one. Not two.
- Seeing this is so simple…
- Would you like to go inside and see for yourself?
- There is no real entity called I.
- …you have to see outside of the way you have always been seeing.
- …it has to be experienced to be valid.
- What you are is nameless.
- I came to see that what I thought I was, was truly just a thought!
- …like taking a step back and watch thoughts and feelings without being involved in them.
- LOOK! Tell me what you see right now, without analysis.
- The owner is an illusion.
- In the seen will be merely what is seen…
- Actually everything is happening now out of nothing.
- You are not who you think you are.
- All the concepts you use in language everyday and take for granted are seen in a new light.
- There’s just life and the movement of life.
- What evidence do you have that you exist as a separate being?
- Get lost in the light of clarity
- What transcends all change?
- There is such quiet joy and deep peace in this.
- The way back is reunion.
- There is no room, no necessity, no possibility for the existence of a personal essence.
- No self is just “this,” here and now with no me in between…
- Do you like lollipops?
- Thoughts don’t have an I in them and emotions are just felt.
- Nothing is separate. Everything is joined.
- How weird and wonderful!
- You are the hypothesis that does not hold up to direct observation.
- See if you can actually find a central entity…
- Start pulling at the threads.
- There’s a lie right at the center of life.
- There is no Santa, and there is no you.
- You need an open mind, courage and a strong desire for truth…
- With no ‘I’, no ‘me’ there is instead space, which is called FREEDOM.
- It’s just happening.
- The mind is playing a great trick…
- Let’s get Real!
- When the seeing happens, clarity starts.
- After it has been clearly seen — everything makes much more sense.
- There never was an entity, person or thing called ‘me’