Social Media


We run several Facebook groups, each with a distinct purpose.

  • Liberation Unleashed Facebook page – Liberation Unleashed’s main hub of activity.

  • Liberation Unleashed Gate on Facebook – If you have any questions about Liberation Unleashed, seeing through the illusion of self or the guiding process, you can ask them in Liberation Unleashed Gate on FB.

  • LU Aftercare (members only) – All freshly gated are added here.

  • Unleashed (members only) – LU general socializing group for everyone that has been though the gate.

  • LU Central (members only) – The support group for guides and a training ground for those who wish to learn to guide.

  • Dealing with the Residue (members only) – The Work for Liberated using Byron Katies The Work as a tool for seeing through residual patterns and beliefs. Deep inquiry, an extension of the Gate.

  • Deep Looking (members only) – A group to address serious issues in one on one sessions.

Facebook International groups

  • French – F.UNleashed (members only)
  • German – Die Ich-Ilusion
  • Spanish – LU en Español (members only)


Liberation Unleashed has a twitter feed. Follow us here, and you can receive updates of new blog posts, events, insights and more. To follow us, simply click this link.


Liberation Unleashed has a YouTube channel:

Liberation Unleashed
Liberation Unleashed